Month: June 2019

The Challenge of Thinking of New Ideas for a Story

The Challenge of Thinking of New Ideas for a Story…

I don’t normally have a problem thinking of ideas for a story. Life is continually throwing up new concepts to write about, and what I see, hear or read about often circulates in my mind until a new tale starts to weave itself together. Sometimes when I reflect on the past it will trigger a thought process that concludes in a book, or maybe it will come from an interesting narrative told by someone else.


People are full of interesting stories. I love listening to the older generation talking about their lives. Some of them have done amazing things or enjoyed good fortune; others have fought in various wars or endured great hardship. They speak of the folk that influenced their lives, of much-loved pets that enlivened their existence, and the idiosyncrasies of people with whom they brushed shoulders during their lives. All of them have interesting things to relate. The strange thing is that most of them don’t even know how interesting their lives have been, but their recollections stay in my head and often entwine themselves into the stories that I write.

Just observing people when out and about can also initiate a story:

  •  The young lady riding on a mobility scooter who has taught her little dog to jump up onto her lap when other canines approach;
  • The mother who, with anguish in her eyes, assures her little girl that she will have fun, as she encourages the child to get into the car with her father and his new partner;
  • The old man dressed in a threadbare Savile Row suit who has bright blue eyes that shine with intelligence, standing on the bridge with his bicycle, begging from people who go past;
  • Any or all of these sights could easily conjure up a story that would begin to fill my mind!

Find out more about my latest book by reading a preview HERE. It’s on sale on Amazon–check out the two links below:



Posted by Site Developer, 0 comments

A Story That Takes Place Mostly in Africa

A Story That Takes Place Mostly in Africa

Beautiful Africa…

Africa is a good place within which to locate a story. The vast diversity of the continent lends itself to an immense scope of possible scenarios and situations in which to place your characters.

In Kenya, my land of birth, there is a fabulous variety of scenery and landscape.  From Mount Kenya, snow-capped and majestic and the highest point in the country, the alpine scenery changes as the countryside runs down towards the coast. There are great forests, hills and awe-inspiring valleys, lakes, lush plains, arid land and savannah before reaching a stunning coast line.

Zambia, too, is a beautiful place, but apart from some notable exceptions like Victoria Falls, the great Zambezi River and Lake Kariba, her beauty is more elusive. Miombo woodland coves large areas of the country, but nestled within this attractive woodland there are beautiful sun-filled glades and rocky kopjes. There are also many lakes and vast floodplains and the country is immense and wild, so it gives one a sense of freedom and liberty.

But my story isn’t confined to Kenya and Zambia in Africa. Within the pages of God’s Timing, we are also transported to ancient Egypt in 1700 B.C. at the time Joseph lived there, and to Samaria in the seventh century B.C to learn about the ten tribes of Israel that were conquered by the Assyrians and consequently thought to be lost.

Britain also features in the story–both modern and ancient Britain.

During the iron-age in the first century, Britain was a cold, dull inhospitable island and the folk who resided there lived in the foggy darkness of superstitious ignorance. Also, they were at war with the Roman invaders, so it was not a nice place in which to live.

Later a more modern Britain enters the story, it is the twentieth century and once again they are at war when they inexplicably manage to pull an amazing victory out of a disastrous situation.

Find out more about my book by reading a preview HERE. It’s on sale on Amazon–check out the two links below:



Posted by Site Developer in Reading and Writing, 0 comments

Meet the Characters in My Latest Book…

I thought I would share with you a little about some of the characters in my latest book, God’s Timing. Writing books gives the author an opportunity to mould the way the people in the book live their lives.

In this story, I have both main characters and characters who are more peripheral. The peripheral ones serve a purpose, helping build the main story line, but it’s the main characters whom I focus on. Let me introduce you to them and tell you a little about them…

Every young person in this world starts out with optimistic hopes and aspirations for their future, but in reality life has a habit of taking unexpected twists and turns completely contrary to the carefully laid plans of that person.


Felix, who comes from a small town in America, doesn’t want too much change in his life. He has been fortunate enough to have had a solid Christian upbringing and happy family life, and that’s how he would like to continue once he has married and had his own family. But circumstances beyond his control make this impossible. Felix discovers he has a natural aggression which stands him in good stead during a period of his life when he also becomes mentally resilient. Later when he is confronted by a situation that arouses his ire he shows it’s impossible for him to tolerate an injustice.

   ‘I’ll kill you!’ Felix roared. He jumped to grab Martin, but the other man was quick on his feet and he dodged out of Felix’s grasp and made a break for the door. Felix was close on his heels and furniture crashed to the ground as the two men hurtled through the house.

    Felix knew he was going to kill Martin. For the past year he had been killing people – people who probably didn’t even deserve to be killed. Now he had a man in his sights who did deserve to be killed and Felix was well qualified to do it!


Philippa, who is a Kenyan, also has a good start in life before a catastrophic event in her life changes everything. With nostalgia she remembers the days when the Great Rift Valley was the backdrop to her home.

   ‘The valley was always so beautiful and at different times of the day it changed in appearance and mood. In the early morning it looked fresh and clean as the first rays of the sun sparkled on the dew drenched vegetation and chased away the night time shadows from the hollows and contours of the land. At midday it basked in the hot sunshine and everything stood out in sharp relief. Then in the evening as the sun disappeared, a grey pearliness would steal over the valley and the sky above would be decorated with splashes of bright orange and pink colours that highlight the clouds and cause them to blush like new brides!’


Lucy is born in Southern Africa and never realises what a precarious start in life she’s had. However, after a lull during which she is happy and contented all hell seems to be let loose. Like a bit of thistle down that has been tossed about on the storms of life, she becomes broken and vulnerable.

Suddenly Lucy burst into tears. ‘I just don’t want to be in this world anymore,’ she said. ‘Wherever I look there are problems – the world seems an ugly place to me and the one person that I loved most of all has died and I want to be with him. I desperately want to get away from all the nastiness and evils – I just can’t imagine that anything good can be in the future. I think I’m cursed and I want to be somewhere nice where everyone is happy and kind to each other.’


Gigi is English and has always had a difficult life since birth, but her Christian faith is a great comfort to her and she stoically overcomes each problem that looms in her life.

‘The Bible is full of treasure just waiting to be discovered,’ Gigi remarked as she flicked through the pages. ‘Some of the treasure is lying openly on the pages, clear for you to see. Other treasure you have to dig for – often it’s in fragments so you have to dig through the Bible to find all the pieces and then put them together. And the Bible never stops giving. I’ve been delving into it for years and I’m still finding nuggets of treasure within its pages.


Then there’s Joe, who happily goes through life without worrying too much about anything because that’s the way he’s been created!

Find out more about my book by reading a preview HERE. It’s on sale on Amazon–check out the two links below:



Posted by Site Developer in Reading and Writing, 0 comments